Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Ok, I got Tagged

Just beacause I love Sophie. This feels kinda like high school, when people made me write notes to them, I feel that obligation now.

3 Joys

Hey that counts! Its a lot of work, and fun, but after those pregnancies, I can use to answer any questions I want!

3 Fears

1. Troy refuses to wear his seat belt, 10 year fight. I know I will get a phone call. He drives a lot.

2. After forgetting/sleeping through a time when you were supposed to pick up your kid, that fear never leaves you.

3. Another positive pregnancy test. Hey, its the truth.

3 Goals (short term)

1. Keep my kids alive another day, week, month, and hopefully summer.

2. Have a half clean house, but also fun memories for kids.

3. OK, i have 4-5 loads of clean clothes on the air hockey table, I want that done. (hey, i did the dishes and vacuumed today, and they are clean!)

3 Goals (long term)

1. not live paycheck to paycheck.

2. payback Ashley and Frank for the love and help they have given me for all these years.

3. not move for at least 4 years.

3 obsessions

1. not being able to put down a book.

2.these dang blogs. still checking them twice a day if I am home.

3. Pepsi, my weakness. it could be worse, it could be something illegal.


Brooke said...

pepsi!!! ME TOO!

~Silly me said...

What do you mean people MADE you write notes in high school? I'm offended.

~Silly me said...

PS-I'm so proud of you putting your pictures up!!

Kjersty said...

I don't know how to put pictures on my blog. Good job! I have been doing blogs for years and years and I still don't know how to do it. Let me in on the secret.

Sophia said...


Anonymous said...

Good post. So interesting to learn so much new about you....