Saturday, July 26, 2008

Memory tag!

Memory Tag.1.As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.This tag can be for anyone that knows me or has my blog address.


Brooke said...

man I have SO MANY. I remember sleeping out on my deck (ouch) and putting blankets up on the railing so no one could see us.

Kjersty said...

I enjoyed all our long talks while working at Nacho Fast. Oh, the drama...hahaha, nothing like the life of teen-agers.

~Silly me said...

ahh friend, I don't know where to start. The dances we went to in high school? Working up in West together, moving to Utah with you, Calling each other every night in school to find out what the other one was wearing. You eating corn nuts when I was trying to sleep (I told that story to someone the other day.) and then got up to show me how you could ring your shorts like a bell. Pretty much every memory from the age of 13 on has got you int!!

Chris and Em said...

hello! One of my favorite families....I miss those little kids of yours they have gotten so big!!!

Erika W said...

So I just found your blog! How exciting! My memories of you involve all the wonderful times we got our cars stollen in Vegas. Oh, and playing Texas Hold Em.

Aspervil said...

Hi Kaylie,
Finally got time to check out your blogspot. Saw Ashleys too. I am so excited for her to be starting the journey. I wanted to try commenting on a memory. But mine is pretty blury. I just remember when we first met long time ago and Ashley was there. I think we were at your old house in Roy. we were sitting on the ground and talked for hours. I also remember visits at Grandmas house when AJ was still just barely walking and he would fall down the stairs. you guys had him trained to laugh about it. He would bonk his head and start laughing instead of crying. Still one of the funniest things I share with people.

Kristin Sokol said...

I remember coming to Rexberg and going to a haunted house and also that you guys said "dang" a ton.

Why did I not know you had a blog?

I want your Hello Kitty costumes. Did you make them? Buy them? Can I burrow them? For next year?

~Silly me said...

You kill me! Post a new blog already!

jim and lisa said...

who could forget getting arrrested? and all of our parents laughing about it the next day. they must have known we were good kids. that was one crazy summer! you have always been such a great role model and i have always admired you! i cherish those moments we shared, ups and downs. love you kaylie!